Wednesday, 18 August 2010

New Address

I thought it might be useful to get my own domain name. This post is partly to check whether the RSS feeds are still working and also to let you know my new address, If you follow this blog via bookmark you may want to update. I believe you should be re-directed from the old blogger address so hopefully the change won't pose too many problems. Let me know if you spot any issues though!

Hope you don't have rain where you are. I'm sat here waiting for the flash floods to hit!


  1. Works all fine & dandy here...with is the bar!

    Welldone you :)

    Fee x

  2. Great stuff! I having to go round and change it everywhere. Probably unnecessary as it re-directs but I can't help myself. Thanks for all your help and advice x

  3. No worries! :)
    Also just removed my blogger navigation bar at the top that all blogger blogs have.
    So if you want the link to the tutorial just give me a shout. It's very easy!

    Fee x

  4. Lovely! thank you.

    I love the navigation bar, will be keeping mine!

  5. I agree Charlie, I don't think I could lose the Nav bar as I use it quite a lot. I use it for New Post and going in to Design on my own blog. I also use it on other people's blog to follow if they don't have a Google Reader gadget and to search blog content.

    Is it unpopular Fee or do people remove it to get rid of the Blogger stamp?

  6. It can be abit annoying not being able to click on the dashboard when your own your own blog...but with other blogger blogs you can still click on the dashboard & click follow.

    Fee x

  7. I was thinking about it and looking at the Navbar at the top. I'm sure it would look nicer without it at the top but I know I'd miss it! I'll have to ponder some more. Thanks again for all the help, I really appreciate it x


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