It's another non-beauty post today. These truly are a selection of random facts and I suspect I may regret sharing a few of them! I hope you're all have a lovely weekend.
The Logical Song by Supertramp takes me back to the Summer of '91 I spent in France. Including a week-long stay in hospital after an emergency appendectomy.
I have a degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics.
I used to be a 20 a day smoker but gave up in 2005.
I've lived in Leeds, Norwich, Marseille and Oxfordshire. I'm not sure where life will lead us next but I rather like the adventure.
I used to play the flute but rarely play any more as I'm too shy. However, I was a member of a concert band and appeared on Yorkshire TV. I really did go to band camp too.
I gave myself a purple fringe once with the aid of a Jerome Russell spray can. I often wonder if you can still buy it.
I like Marlborough Estate Sauvignon Blanc. A lot!
I'm shortsighted and started wearing glasses when I was 19. I can't wear contacts lenses for longer than a couple of hours at a time.
I am a stereotypical Piscean but I don't really believe in horoscopes.
I dropped out of my PhD when my supervisor died in a freak bike accident.
My favourite film is Hot Fuzz. I also have a huge soft spot for films by the Cohen Brothers.
My maternal Grandma was an artist and specialised in miniatures. I can draw stick figures!
I loved David Tennant as Dr Who. Matt Smith has yet to win me over.
I have a mental block when it comes to telling the time and frequently get it wrong but I am never late.
I was an Indie Kid.
A well as work in science, I have worked as an office junior, receptionist and a waitress.
I used to love wearing high heels but now I live in Converse.
I used to member of the Five Star fan club. I'm not entirely sure I should have admitted that, oh dear....
The last book I read and loved was The Historian.
At 35, I still only hold a provisional driving licence.
Feel free to share something totally random about you!