Friday, 10 May 2013

I'll name that taupe in...

Just a bit of fun as it's Friday. I've bought a new pretty and couldn't resist taking a group comparison shot. I wondered how many of these eyeshadows you eagle-eyed* taupe fiend could name without assistance?


There are no prizes for guessing correctly, just a sense of satisfaction. I'm also wondering how many of you are old enough to remember the game show I've misappropriated my title from?

* yes, I couldn't resist!


  1. :-) I want to play Friday Taupe game!
    top row (L to R): 1)RBR Solstice Halcyon 2) RBR Umber Firefinch 3) RBR Unforgettable Oriole 4) RBR Olive Violeteare
    middle row (L to R): 1)RBR Delicate Hummingbird 2) RBR ECLIPSE EAGLE! 3) KW Wisdom? 4) What is that?
    Bottom Row (L to R): MAC palette upper left Satan's Taupe?

  2. I'm going to assume that Satan's Taupe was no slip of the tongue? ;) Yes to Wisdom, I will identify the missing one soon. Excellent taupe spotting BH!

  3. Name that Tune? *creaks*

  4. Ooh! I'm late but I want to play!!

    In the RBR shadow keeper (l to r): Umber Firefinch, Unforgettable Oriole, Olive Violetear
    Going clockwise from there, I don't recognise the packaging, so I'll have to skip... Looks a little like EB Storm.

    Pretty sure the Mac quad on the bottom is the "Smoking Eyes" one from Smoke Signals (including "Satan's Taupe").

    Directly above that: RBR Delicate Hummingbird; I think that the well-loved one above that is Solstice Halcyon.

    As for the two remaining, I'm pretty sure that the untouched beauty is RBR Eclipse Eagle. The last one looks like a Mac depot, but I'm really not sure what it is... Looks a bit too cool-toned to be Patina, but I'll go with that.

  5. I'm a very bad blogger for not coming back and putting you out of your (taupe) misery sooner!

    Bellyhead almost got the full house with the exception of the lesser known Elizabeth Arden eyeshadow at the end of the second row. It's an absolute beauty and the shade name is Smoke 23.

    Bonus marks to Kate for correctly identifying Smoking Eyes from the Smoke Signals collection. I purchased this at the beginning of my journey into makeup obsession. Even contractions couldn't get in the way of me and this limited edition!!!


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