Monday, 26 November 2012

November Empties


I've had another flurry of finishing products off recently. Unfortunately, it only includes one makeup item which reminds me that I must update you on my progress with project Use it Up.

The first item that I finished off was my tube of Embryolisse Lait Creme Concentre. I quite like the Embryolisse as a fairly bland moisturiser that I turn to if my skin is upset or used in conjunction with other more active products. I know it has a garnered rather a cult status but I wouldn't refer to it as a must have. I can see why it's very useful for makeup artists but I can also understand the 'huh, is that it?' anti-climax from people expecting a wonder cream. I may ask my Mum to replace it when she's next in France but for now, I'm concentrating on using up other products.

The Kneipp Pure Bliss Bath* is something that was actually adopted by my children. I like to think that it helped calm them down before bed. It certainly calmed my nerves whilst bathing them and left them smelling beautiful. They were also quite keen on the fact that it turned the bath water pink. We've replaced it with the Kneipp Lavender Bath product which I find needs to be used more sparingly for the children than the Pure Bliss.

I was really sad to finish both the Live Native Essential Mist MSM Toner* and the Rahua Conditioner. The Live Native has such a beautiful fine misting action and I've appreciated it even more now that I'm using something with a much more vigorous spray. This is something I will definitely replace. The Rahua Conditioner was the first bottle out of the shampoo and conditioner to go but the shampoo isn't far behind. It's not unusual for me to use up two bottles of conditioner to every one shampoo, so I think it's lasted very well. I've loved using the Rahua but in the run up to Christmas, I can't justify the expense of replacing it. I won't rule out repurchasing when I'm feeling more flush though, as it's the nicest 'clean' haircare that I've tried so far.

The last item to go was my Max Factor Second Skin foundation*. When the pump stopped working towards the end, I took to using the tube inside as a spatula. I've always liked this foundation as the finish was between a tinted moisturiser and a foundation on my skin. I believe it has been discontinued now so unfortunately there's no option of replacing it. I do feel a strong urge to try a new winter base but I'm still working at finishing off various bottles of half-filled foundation and tinted moisturiser, so hopefully I will stay strong instead of adding a new bottle to the pile!

Disclosure: Items indicated with an asterisk were originally received as PR samples for review.


  1. You must wash your hair more often than me! I got my Rahua almost same time as you and both the shampoo and condititioner are still half full. I do like the Rahua but if you ignore its 'clean' properties I think it is too expensive.

    My hairdresser keeps banging on about how nice the Moroccan oil shampoo and conditioner is. May try that next.

    1. That's interesting, I always think I'm quite stingy with the amounts of product I use and I only wash my hair ever other day. Maybe I'm more heavy handed than I think!! I have some Melvita shampoo to use once I've finished my current bottle and I'm using a Klorane conditioner. I'm considering buying Ojon next as that's one I've yet to try.

  2. I love Rahua products (love lula have travel minis). I always seem to finish my shampoo before my conditioner. The Louise Galvin range is nice too x

    1. I did try the Louise Galvin range some while ago, it would be interesting to return to it now to compare. Thanks for letting me know about the travel minis at love lula, that's really useful. I could get a mini conditioner to finish off the shampoo with! x

  3. I actually finished a cosmetic item. It shocks me when I do. I finish hair, body, sometimes skincare but never cosmetics! I finished up my Mally Beauty Pore Defender. Luckily I have a backup from a Mally kit that I bought on QVC.

    1. Yay, that's great Marcia. I find cosmetics are so hard to get through, especially if you're an avid collector. I'm intrigued by the Mally products after you mentioned them in your Desert Island post.


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