Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Modesty Brown is Away

Modesty is Away

By the time this post goes live, I'm hoping to be half way to our destination. Apparently the campsite has WiFi (I am of course suspicious) and I have scheduled some posts to keep you going in my absence. Hopefully I will be able to check in from time to time so that I can approve comments and maybe share any exciting finds.

I will of course update you on my return how I got on with my minimal makeup bag and whether or not it's actually possible to look good whilst camping with the small people. And Nina, I promise there will be pictures taken as evidence!

Take care and chat to you all soon!
Ms. B x


  1. Hahahaha...I shall be eagerly awaiting my dear!
    Have a wonderful time :)

  2. Enjoy your vacation!

  3. Have a great holiday, hope you get a bit of a rest and the kids have fun x

  4. Thanks you guys. I survived which is the main thing ;). I forgot to mention that it is our tent in the picture above not some random Google image. It'll probably be a while before I get in it again!


I love receiving comments and read each and every one. I always do my best to reply too. If you have a question and need a quick response, please feel free to email me.


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