Saturday, 12 May 2012

Guest Reviewing on A Model Recommends


Today I am very honoured to be guesting for Ruth on A Model Recommends. The subject of the post is a review of the Perricone MD Radiant Skin Collection pictured above, and includes my thoughts on the (rather marvellous) Advanced Face Firming Activator. I'd love it if you went along for a read, although you might want to put the kettle on first, it is a bit of an epic!

For anyone interested in the product ingredients you can click on the image below to enlarge. 



  1. Hi Modesty Brown
    I did see your guest review on amodelrecommends lucky you would love to try this range but the cost put me off, will you bu buying any of the products you tried

    1. Hi beano! I was actually planning to buy a set like the one I reviewed when Ruth asked if I would like to try the one for her. I'd been very interested to try the Activator but didn't want to pay £90 for the full size without trying it first.

      Now I've tried it, I would be tempted to buy the full size of the Activator when I run out. I still have a lot left of the travel size that was included in the set so I know the full size would last me months. I don't think I would buy either the moisturiser or cleanser that were in the set. They were nice but I have others that I prefer.

      I do understand you reservations on price. Someone in the comments of Ruth's post mentioned that you can buy from QVC and return if you don't like the items, so that might be a good idea if you're keen to try Perricone?


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