Saturday, 5 May 2012

To Depot or Not to Depot? That is The Question

The idea of depotting my eyeshadows has firmly wormed it's way into my head, so much so that I woke up this morning with a burning desire to take a knife to my eyeshadow drawer and start a Bank Holiday project. I managed to hold myself back, I'm all too aware that this could be some crazy pms-ing whim and once you commence with makeup vandalism there really is no going back.

I am a shocking hoarder when it comes to makeup (don't anyone faint) and before I even think about popping pans, I really ought to tackle my issue with keeping boxes. I don't know why I still do it. In my head I save them 'just in case' I decide to blog sale or swap an item but I know I won't be parting company with any of these eyeshadows. Getting rid of the boxes would certainly free up some much needed space.



The urge to depot my single eyeshadows stems from the fact that they are currently being neglected. In a bid to keep my makeup collection organised, I've inadvertently made the singles hard to access. I have them stashed in a box within my drawer and for me 'out sight, out of mind' is definitely true. When I do remember to get them out, I waste precious time getting into them and that's when having them all in a easy access custom palette sounds so appealing. I'm almost certain they would get more use if I took the plunge.

I took some pictures to try and help me decide if I could bear to lose the pretty packaging. The MAC pots aren't such a problem, they're more functional than attractive but the Rouge Bunny Rouge pots and Edward Bess eyeshadow with it's luxe velvet pouch are going to be harder to say goodbye to.

What would you do? Are you sentimental or ruthless when it comes to packaging? Do you like to build custom palettes or do you find prefer to keep things in their original pots? I'm really hoping you can help me come to a sensible decision!


  1. I say go for it... also, if you make your singles more accessible you should find it easier to use them (as you say) and this will surely help discourage further eyeshadow purchases! I can't be the only one who has bought exact dupes because I've forgotten I already had that colour...?! If you go for a Z palette you can really mix and match and change things up as you switch themes etc. It's actually very liberating when you abandon packaging retention. I used to hang on to all my empty boxes, but then I moved house and was forced to address the hoarding. I chucked them all out and realised how silly it was to keep empty packaging in space that could have held actual make up!

    On another note, I am DYING for your part 2 RBR refill eyeshadows review! In particular, I would be super super grateful if you could do a comparison of Bohemian Waxwing and Solstice Halcyon - they look fairly similar, and it would be enormously helpful to see swatches of them side by side before I commit to a purchase!

    Thanks xx

    1. Thanks Rosy. I have a box at the top of my wardrobe where I hide all my flattened boxes, it's shameful really!

      I'm sorry to have left you hanging for part 2. I was worried people would be fed up of too many Eye Shadow Keeper posts back to back! I have a couple of pictures with both BW and SH already, they weren't taken specifically to compare so I will do a proper side by side for you. Hopefully this will take you to the images - image1 and image2.

    2. Fantastic - thank you. This is v helpful. They do look jolly similar, which is a shame, albeit that BW is perhaps a little darker and more shimmery. In this instance it looks like the images on the RBR website are perhaps a little misleading as to the difference between the two. I will look forward to reading your thoughts in part 2! BW also looks like a dupe for Nars Ashes to Ashes... I may investigate further!

  2. I detest RBR packaging so those I'd definitely depot. I've depotted one actually and once I decide whether I intend to keep the rest (I don't LOVE them, sadly) I will depot/swap/sell... I really like my burberry shadows even though they're heavy - these I consider too pretty to depot :)

    1. ps I keep all my boxes too, hidden in candle boxes :(

    2. Did you find it straightforward depotting the RBR eyeshadow? I think I'd start with the Solstice Halcyon first as that had an accident and is in two parts anyway. It's really interesting to hear that you're not a fan. I would love some Burberry eyeshadows, post buying ban I will stop hesitating and buy a couple.

    3. yup it was my first experience depotting! I have shaky hands and nicked the side of the shadow, but I think it was very easy (just a bit of heating, the edge of a knife, and voila!) Heh I'm not sure why but the colours/textures combo just don't do it for me. though I really really like abssynian catbird (sp?)

      yes, burberry shadows are very... quiet (for lack of a better word) but I think they do very tasteful neutrals. I also love the texture. best part is, nothing is LE so we can wait :)

    4. oh and it didn't destroy the back of the original packaging, even with heat. you could still stash those somewhere if you want.

    5. Oh, that's really useful to know you could free it without destroying the packaging. I'll be stashing empty pots as well as flattened boxes!

  3. I recently depotted like 20 single eyeshadows into a Z Palette and couldn't be happier with the result. Opening, closing, and just rummaging through single eyeshadows was just too time consuming in the morning so they ended up being neglected.

    I think it might be addicting though because I couldn't stop with the single shadows. I also tore apart and depotted a bunch of eyeshadow palettes and combined them into a Z Palette. I even depotted some blushes. I might have gone a bit overboard, but it saves me so much space and time that I have no regrets.

    Also, one can't start a war without expecting some casualties....I shattered two eyeshadows. Luckily the single shades were easy peasy, but the palettes can be tricky.

    If you'd like to see what not to do, I wrote a post about my foibles. :)

    1. Thanks EmmyJean. I got hooked on depotting a few years ago so I was nodding along when you mentioned starting on the palettes! I'm determined not to do that this time. However, I am tempted to do the same with my powder blushers.

      Thanks for the reminder about the dings too. I also remember having to look up how to repack broken eyeshadows. I don't think they're ever the same again :(

  4. I am also going through the same thought process. I already have a Z palette and I've depotted some Mac shadows, but I'm now thinking of getting some Unii palettes and depotting everything. I have a draw full of single eyeshadows that are never used, and every day I just use the nine that I have in my Z palette. I'm sure I would use them more if I had them all in palettes.

    On another point, I ordered Solstice Halcyon last week and I love the RBR formula so much I've just ordered Umber Firefinch and Olive Violeteare today. I think I'm going to end up with all of them. Look what you've started! :)

    1. Hi Gillian, that's great news about Solstice Halcyon. Would you promise to tell me how you find Umber Firefinch? I'm particularly interested to hear what the finish is like.

      I already have a Unii palette but I'll need to get another or maybe even go for a Z palette to fit all of them in. Like you, I'm sure I'd use what I have more if it more easily accessible.

    2. Hi Gillian:)
      I'm also a Gillian! This may seem like nothing special to you, but living in Germany now I'm a TOTAL anomaly. I get all my mail addressed to MR Gillian because they have NO idea what to do with my name. As a child I found my name boring because it was too normal and NOW it's too abnormal!??

    3. Ah, mine is shortened to Gill by most people, which makes it extremely dull and boring. I prefer Gillian now, but it's too late for friends and family, so for most of the time I'm Gill.

      MB, I'll definitely let you know about Umber Firefinch. Can't wait for it to arrive :)

      I need to give up reading this thread now though because I keep going, "Right, that's it, I'm ordering Unii palettes and I'm going for it," then I read another comment and I think, "Oooh, I might regret it." What to do, what to do ...

  5. Glad to read I'm not the only one who holds into packaging and boxes. I'm also in a depot dilemma, I'll follow the other comments closely!

    1. It's good to hear I'm not alone in my dilemma! I hope the replies are useful to you too :)

  6. I'd have to say don't do it. Not with the bess etc. I did this a few years back and regretted it - the colours clash in the palette and it put me off using any of them. Plus dings and dents are inevitable.

    1. Thanks Sarah, the dings are definitely a downside. I'm still a little sad when I open my MAC palette and see my previous blobs! It is tempting to leave the Bess as it looks like it could be quite hard to free that one. It's a good point about the resulting colour mix too.

  7. I went through my eyeshadow singles stash a few months ago and ruthlessly tossed all the boxes they came in though it hurt to do so (especially for the Burberry shadows.. sigh). I had considered depotting all of them and organizing them into free palettes to save some space and make it easier to find/use. I have yet to decide.. haha. Mainly because I don't know if I could bear to mangle the pretty packaging and possibly some of the eyeshadow themselves. I'm too sentimental I guess. :(

    1. I know if I don't go for it this weekend, I will definitely be deliberating for months!

  8. *panicked expression* Take the pots out of their specially designed packaging? That they are supposed to be in? *pause* No, no can't do it. This way lies anarchy, lady. I'd chuck the boxes though :-)

    1. Hahaha!! Maybe I will turn into a makeup punk and adorn my palette with a safety pin :D

  9. I'd say go for it with the mac's for sure then you're nearly at a free product for Back to Mac! I don't think I could do it to the RBR's because I adore the packaging!

    1. Can you still Back 2 Mac depots Charlie? I know some places used to be really funny but I'm really out of the loop Mac wise!

  10. Go for it, Jane! If it means you get to enjoy more of your product more often, I say yes! Think of what a sigh of pleasure you'll heave every time you open your palette and see all those pretty colors winking back at you.

    I don't care for MAC packaging, and I don't even really like RBR's that much. I'd rather it be plain black than have all the girly swirlies on it. But I do love the EB packaging. That might be my one holdout ... but then again, if you're not using it because you don't see/think of it.

    I guess you have to ask what your motives are. Are you thinking of swapping/selling these items?If so you might keep them intact a little while longer. If you intend to keep them, I say off with their heads!

    Looks like most of will have to be heated, but the Shu can be popped out with a straight pin. If you look at the back of the package, there's a little circle. Push a pink through that circle and the pan will pop out. The glue they use is very soft, almost like wax.

    Box hoarder = me. As soon as my upcoming blog sale is over, I am throwing away every last box. All those empties are bad fung shui. ;)

    1. I love all of the colours but they're not getting enough attention. I know I'm using pre-made palettes instead of these colours simply because it's easier/faster.

      Thanks for the tip about the Shu, I was pretty sure it would come free easily as it feels 'wobbly' in the housing. I have a feeling I will leave the Bess as it is. Dumping the box of course ;)

      I'm very pleased you mentioned the bad Feng Shui! Years ago a friend went on a 'Space Clearing' course. We made fun of course but on the quiet I took in the major points and have been trying to adhere to it ever since. I suspect it appeals to my inner mystical Piscean! The boxes need to GO! *rings the expensive space clearing bell*

    2. See? We are twins. I am a Pisces, too. :)

      And I *always* feel clear and unfettered when I get rid of the noise around me, even stuff I can't see. I swear those empty boxes are all screaming at me.

  11. I am a depotter, been depotting since the early 80's. I can't stand to have those little pots around because some can be hard to open. I have ruined my nails just from them. Also early in the morning, opening one of those in a half asleep state is not the easiest. Back then I had to improvise my own palette but now with zpalettes and such, depotting is just another way of organizing. (As a chronic depotter, I even depotted Chanel blushes!)

    1. You are a depotting pioneer! Things like Zpalettes and Unii palettes do make it very easy so I guess the only hard part is getting the pan out without damaging them. My reason for wanting to do it is definitely convenience. I freely admit to taking the path of least resistance (and longest lie-in) every morning ;)

  12. Not only do I hoard the pretty boxes, I also hoard the shipping boxes.
    Oh yes, I'm one sick puppy. Hangs head in shame:(
    I think I justify buying new makeup pretties I don't need by promising myself I can sell the less loved stuff and as long as the box etc are intact I could - but I never do. I also really LOVE good packaging and find it impossible to simply toss.

    As to de-potting I really did want to depot my RBR because I hate opening the little buggers. Opening them and the Illamasqua products messes with my nail polish. I do have a trolly coin that I use to clip them open but having to open just one palette instead of multiple singles before I decide on the right colour would be a LOT more user friendly:) Putting them all in a Z-palette?? Nope.....too much color choice early in the morning - says me, working mom of 3, with waaaaaay too little time in the a.m.!

    1. I'm terrible with nice packaging boxes too. I can never bring myself to throw away Jo Malone boxes. Maybe one day we'll appear on one of those hoarding programmes?! I hear you on the lack of time in the morning. The exam seasons starts next week so I will have to be super efficient getting up and out for the next few weeks. Eek!!!

  13. I have a partially filled palette that I got off of etsy. It 'bugs' me that there is open space in the palette so I've been toying with the idea of trying my hand at depotting. I originally got the palette for Inglot as I abhor the freedom palettes they offer. But I haven't ordered enough Inglot to fill up the palette thus leading me to consider depotting! Will be watching for updates!

    1. It has been a success so far. I'm going to have to go and look at palettes on Etsy now! I need to get another palette as I filled all the space I have and still have more eyeshadows I want to depot.

  14. if it'll make you use them more then depot into a palette. but if you're in two minds...don't do it.

    1. I went for it, I wanted to use them more than I wanted to keep them looking pretty. I haven't regretted it so far!

  15. I'm with Sarah and Imperfectionist. I depotted some of my MAC shadows and some other similar sized ones into some MAC palettes a few years back and I had wished I had left them, they don't feel as special as their original housing. I am odd that I generally use palettes less and singles more.

    1. That's really interesting that you use singles more than palettes Meeta. I used to be the same but my time in the morning diminishes more everyday. I'm hoping the benefits will outweigh any regrets :)

  16. I'd only do the MAC and possibly the shu since they have a hole in the back of the case anyway for this very purpose. Everything else is too pretty!

    1. Hi Jeweled Thumb. I do know what you mean, the RBR pots are very pretty but I decided to be a savage and go for it!

  17. I know what you mean as my palettes get more use than singles, its just easier having more shades in reach all at once. Mind you I will never try depotting again, I use to do it here and then but then had a traumatic Chantecaille session which even my husband got invloved in and ended up breaking 4 shadows xx

    1. :-O FOUR CHANTECAILLE EYESHADOWS? I think I would have sobbed for days!!! xx

  18. I have deputed most of my MAC eyeshadows-- and out them in one of their pro-palettes, and then only by the refill pans whenever possible. I say depot all of the MAC shadows that you plan to keep, and then Back 2 MAC them for a free treat! I have never deputed my RBR shadows, but would not be opposed to it at all. I would probably depot the Shu, but leave the EB. I definitely find that my depotted shadows get used with far greater frequency-- not only that when you see all of those shadows in the same place you get interested color combination ideas that you wouldn't have otherwise. I say go for it-- except for the shadows hat you are on the fence about keeping. After your initial acts of vandalism you will be fine. Also there is another method of deputing that is super easy and doesn't require any heart at all-- all depotters should check this out. It is so easy-- it took me no time at all to depot 15 MAC shadows. No toxic fumes, no melted packaging etc.

    1. Wow- sorry about the careless edit- I didn't check auto correct! I meant "depotted," "put," "buy," "that," and "depotting." :-)

    2. No problem, I knew what you meant :). I've never tried the Enkore method but I know it's quite popular for MAC eyeshadows. Drivol about the Frivol recommended against trying to use alcohol to remove the RBR palettes. As they are a single unit, I think it would be impossible to get the alcohol underneath the pan in order to soften the glue. The candle and poking method that I used is unfortunately quite fumey. You're right that once you get past the initial act of vandalism, it feels ok. The hard part is actually knowing where to stop!!

  19. I can sort of see what you mean about out of sight, I have a shocking amount unused and even untried when it comes to eyeshadows. Trouble is I also keep the packaging they come in. To me if the box is nice it's all part of the purchase. Did you get the cleaning done before de-potting? I knwo I should de-pot mine, but just can't bring myself to do it. I have been good recently and had a jig about to start using some, I occasionally go through the makeup I have, on a Sunday, and pick out ones not for the week that I've not worn for a while.

    1. Yes, I was a good girl and did the cleaning beforehand. Including throwing away 2 plastic carrier bags full of cardboard packaging! It has freed up a lot of space and I do feel it has made things more accessible.

  20. I'm not super sentimental when it comes to packaging...but i'm practical. Yes depotting would save space. I'd also probably ruin about half my products. I wish you luck!

    1. Thanks E-A. I've only made a mess of one eyeshadow so far but that aspect of it is quite nerve wracking!

  21. I love the Burberry packaging, however, I wanted to consolidate my single shadows. I have depotted my Burberry shadows, Edward Bess, and some neglected Chanel quads. This has allowed me to rediscover colors I had forgotten about! I love being able to see everything at a glance. I would recommend practicing on some shadows that are less precious, since I had to repair some broken shadows. A mini Swiss Army knife or xacto knife are perfect.

    The only shadows I would not depot would be Guerlain6, because their packaging is divine! --Louisa

    1. Hi Louisa, I agree that depotting the Guerlain6 would be a travesty! I'm impressed that you have managed to successfully depot Burberry and Edward Bess. Did you use heat as well as a knife?

    2. I carefully pried the Burberry shadows w a tiny Swiss Army knife but used heat for the labels and the EB shadows. Burberry only uses a small amt of glue, and 3 out of 4 shadows popped out easily with some patience. One pan warped, causing some breakage,but I repaired it w alcohol and it's in pretty good shape. I hated to toss the BB cases, but am much happier seeing everything at once. Love my new palette, but it was a potentially expensive experiment! Depotting is not for the faint of heart! In the future I would use some heat. Perhaps a low setting in the oven for the BB cases... They seem too thick for the flat iron method.


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