Thursday, 3 May 2012

Rouge Bunny Rouge Eye Shadow Keepers Review Part I

I apologise in advance that this has turned into an epic two-parter. I've got too many pictures to cram into a single post. I'm conscious of the fact that most of the items I'm showing you are currently out of stock, but I hope these reviews will be relevant and helpful for those waiting for new stock to make a purchase.




First of all, the palettes themselves are as pretty as I'd hoped. They're not flimsy and there are no sharp plastic edges which you get with some cheaply made palettes. I do find it a little tricky to get it open but it's nothing compared to the nail breaking guarantee of the Guerlain 6 Ecrin palettes.

The magnetic system is the reverse of the well known MAC system: the magnets are embedded in the palette rather than attached to the pans. There are no finger spaces to remove the pans, instead there are small holes in the back of the palette. You insert a pin (or similar long thin implement) to release the pan from underneath.

Unlike I first thought, you CANNOT use these palettes to house pans depotted from the regular RBR eyeshadow pots. The refill pans for the palette are slightly smaller, 2g instead of 2.4g, but for me this isn't an issue. They cost less: the refill pans are £16 as opposed to £22 for the pots. They have a similar diameter to MAC's refill pans but contain 0.5g more products, so they're certainly not tiny. You can see a few size comparisons below.




The colours that are in my palette are, from left to right: Unforgettable Oriole, Bohemian Waxwing and Olive Violeteare. I'm really pleased with all of the colours I chose and I will come back and show you them in more detail in Part II. I have a feeling that Bohemian Waxwing is going to be a very popular shade. Rouge Bunny Rouge describe it as an 'Iridescent Bronzed Champagne' but I would say that it's more taupe than bronze, for anyone else like me that panics at the word bronze!



I bought these items from Zuneta. Well, my husband did but you know what I mean! At the moment the Trio Eye Shadow Keeper, Bohemian Waxwing and Olive Violeteare are out of stock. These items are all permanent so hopefully they will have stock back in again soon.


  1. oohhh - lovely lovely new stuff. Thanks for the review.

    1. It's always a pleasure to share the pretties :)

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh so pretty!

  3. I've got mine on preorder at Beauty Habit in the US. I couldn't last as long as I hoped!

    1. I'm certain you won't be disappointed Marcia!

  4. I am particularly disappointed that I will not be able to house my single shadows in the new palettes. Do I now have to re-purchase all my shadows in re-fill form in order to have them fit in the palette? Not happy.

    1. It's a certainly a shame they aren't all a uniform size.

  5. Thanks to you I managed to grab this and also save my singles from my de-potting knife x

    1. Phew, I'd have been distraught to hear about any needless makeup violence! Which colours did you go for?

  6. Gorgeous! I'm so bummed I delayed on hitting submit on my order and missed out. Can't wait to get my hands on these!

    1. I think they re-stocked today. I'm really pleased it was so quick. I have a feeling the theft of the original stock had quite a big impact.

  7. Claire - Shrops4 May 2012 at 14:59

    Very nice MB, I am going to make a RBR splurge this weekend. Really 'need' some new lip colour, and one 'has to' get more than one or three items at Zuneta ... Thinking RBR Murmerings and MdB Monaco to start with.

    1. Yes, I tend to order a few things at once, even though the days of spending £50 for free shipping are over! I love Murmurings and I also have my eye on a couple of the LMdB lipsticks. If you do go for Monaco, I'd love to hear what you think.

  8. Fantastic! At first I was a little annoyed that these are a different size than the regular eyeshadows, but then I thought it through and realized that I probably wouldn't chance de-potting those anyway. Their texture is so dense and soft that they probably wouldn't weather the experience too well!

    1. It is a shame but as you say, there's always the risk of spoiling them in the process. It has put the thought in my head of doing it anyway with all of my singles and putting them in UNII palette. I know it would encourage me to use them even more but there's still the nerves to contend with!

  9. How beautiful! I didn't buy any of these, but now I am regretting it. Speaking of makeup violence, I smiled at your beheaded Solstice Halcyon, Jane. :)

    1. I know, poor thing looks a little abused! I think depotting that one would probably be a kindness ;)

      I think I must be having some strange hormonal episode as I suddenly have the desire to depot all of my single and make a custom palette. It can be a faff having everything in pots and making them more accessible would probably encourage me to use neglected colours. I don't know whether it is wrong to give in to this rash urge?!!

    2. I am always torn with that same urge. I love having everything handy in one spot—it virtually ensures I will use the items more often because, quite frankly, I sometimes forget about some of the stuff I have.

      But taking that first step with heat and a knife can be daunting! It's a commitment because plastic compacts are rarely the same after. I found that if I use parchment paper on top of a flat iron and sit with it, checking every minute or so, I can often save the compacts so they can be used again, but very often the bottom label gets a little warped, and forget about NARS. Those compacts melt away from the pan like a wilted flower.

      Then I feel a surge of anxiety when I think about taking an object away from its pretty packaging. That said, I toughed it out and depotted Solstice Halcyon without too much trauma, just a wee nick in the surface and the compact still closes! :)

    3. I've just taken a few pictures so I can post and share my dilemma. I tend to save everything, just in case I decide to sell things on but I haven't done swaps or a blog sale for such a long time it seems silly to work on that basis. Just getting rid of the boxes would probably be a huge help!

      Some definitely look like they will be easier to free than others. I need to check out that video you linked to in your post about depotting and get myself prepared!

    4. I know what you mean about all the empty boxes. I haven't swapped in almost a year. I AM, however, having the mother of all blog sales soon. I just have to get past this work deadline and I can finally inspect, photograph, upload, and write it all up. It takes so long, but I will never use up all that stuff, so someone else might as well enjoy it. It will probably be the last sale I have for a long time, maybe forever, so I am being ruthless. Once that's over, I will be more organized, like you. And I shall try to be more discerning in my purchases, but we'll see how that goes. ;) Clearing out so drastically might make me feel free to add more stuff back in!

      Did you link to your pictures yet. I don't see them but will check back later.

      BTW, I really appreciate your setting the new pan inside the old one. It really gives an excellent representation for the new keeper-pan sizes.

      And now I have got to get on the waiting list for the Trumpet and Lilac ones. Those are too beautiful.

    5. My post is up now - To Depot or Not to Depot?. It will be interesting to hear what other people do!


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