Wednesday, 15 December 2010

My Current Wishlist

Things have rather gone to pot in terms of my plans to send Santa shopping in the beauty halls. I was all set to buy a Tom Ford lipstick before disaster struck (or more accurately my smallest child). My phone was mauled and an immediate replacement required. Goodbye Tom Ford lipstick.

I thought I would cheer myself up with a post about my current wishlist. I can always hope that my birthday will bring more joy.

Tom Ford Moroccan Rouge

Obviously this is top of my list having had an almost but not quite moment with it. The nest time I'm in London, I will be paying a visit to Selfridges and this will be mine!

A Julie Hewett palette and a little something from Burberry

Image from

I've mentioned both of these on wishlists before. I think both of these brands excel at exactly the sort of cosmetics I love. Beautiful neutral eyeshadows, gorgeous lipsticks and in the case of Julie Hewett, some pretty creme blushers. I'm pretty sure of my choices with Julie Hewett, the palette and pan system definitely make it easy to try a few things at once. Edit: This Hue in Mystere is the first thing on my list and you can see Gaia's amazing review over at The Non-Blonde.  It sounds even more prefect than I first though. I more unsure what to pick from the Burberry line. It's too expensive to go to crazy so I have to pick one or two pieces carefully.

Armani Eyes to Kill
Replica from Visionary Beauty started this lemming. To be quite honest, she can take credit for a good portion of my purchases (Grace can take the blame for the rest). This is a new eyeshadow formula for Armani. It's an unusual almost cream, almost powder formula and the finish and colours look rather amazing. Replica has the shade #14 a gold/black which you can see here. Cafe Makeup did a lovely swatch post of #15 and I'm eagerly awaiting Reigning Beauties swatches having seen her sneak preview.

Rouge Bunny Rouge

I'll have the lot please!

I don't think there's ever a moment when I don't want something from RBR. I would love one of their liquid highlighters, the blush wand in Vermeer and the Glassy Gloss in Fleur Parfait really caught my eye after the seeing the line up for the Journey Through the Stars collection. My next purchase though will most definitely be the blusher in Delicata. Grace at London Makeup Girl recently posted about her collection of beige pink blusher and it did nothing to disuade me from this lust. Although, I think she might have convinced me that Sue Devitt Koh Samui should also be added to the list....

Chanel Cassis eyeliner 
I admired swatches of this liner when it was first released with Chanel's Autumn collection. It wasn't until I saw Dempeaux's post that I knew I should have picked this up. I think it looks like a great alternative to black and it looks like it's a little richer than RBR Delilah. I think I may have found the perfect way to spend the £15 on my Debenhams Beauty Club card.

Something from Make Up Forever

Image from

Again, this is a brand that I have mentioned too many times to ignore. 2011 will be the year for me to buy some MUFE. I want to try the Smoky Lash mascara to see how it compares to my favourite Hourglass mascara. The HD Blush is also something I'd really like to try but I'm not sure on shade choices.

I was going to mention brushes but as colour always wins over tools for me, it seems a little silly. Lets just say there are a lot of brushes I want but you can't easily justify more on the basis of "they look so soft" or "mine are all dirty and need washing". Maybe I just need to come up with some better excuses?

Do you have an after Christmas wishlist? Or will Santa be doing a spot of shopping for you this Christmas?


  1. Great list. I am expecting a RBR delivery any day now. ooops! Also my prize of Tom Ford lippie! Morccan Rouge was my second choice but I got my first choice. And I asked for Cassis for Christmas from my Dad, who knows if I'll get it because I basically sent him my Space NK wish list and a few Chanel extras to choose from!

  2. Hi Jane, I'm so sorry you missed out on a Tom Ford for Christmas, but at least they're not going anywhere. My pet hate is when brands come out with so many limited editions, and by the time you have the money for them they're sold out! How long till your birthday? I'd definitely recommend the Burberry Blush in Peony, I wear it almost everyday (although I'm still dreaming of a RBR one). The lipsticks are nice but I don't think I've made the best shade selection with the two I have. X

  3. definitely pick up the RBR liquid highligher! I own it and it is absolutely worth all the hype! It is quite expensive, as I'm sure you know, but i've used maybe a ninth of the bottle in the last four months- it lasts AGES!


  4. I own Moroccan Rouge, it's a gorgeous color!

  5. @Charlie: I’m excited to hear more about your RBR order. I was sure you’d like it once you tried it :). I’m also looking forward to your thoughts on the Tom Ford lipstick. I’ll definitely get one eventually! Fingers crossed your Dad comes good with the Cassis. Mind you, it sounds like he probably has lots of lovely things to choose from.

    @Jennifer: You’re absolutely right, it will still be there after Christmas so there’s no hurry. The LE can be such a pain. I was really relieved when I realised Cassis was still available. I think I must work on MAC times as a standard so assumed it was long gone! Peony sounds lovely, thank you for the recommendation. Which lipsticks did you get out of interest? I’m really keen to avoid a wrong colour choice so that I don’t “waste” my allotted spend if you see what I mean!

    @Seth: It’s really great to hear that you have the highlighter and love it. I love RBR and I’m rarely disappointed. I’ve not had much success with liquid/cream highlighters so I have high hopes. I’ll have to wait for a splurgie mood!

    @patuxxa: Great to hear that you love Moroccan Rouge. It looks like a bold colour but not so much that I would be afraid to wear it.

    Thanks for the great comments.
    Jane x

  6. Lovely list. On my "dream" holiday wish list are perfumes by Serge Lutens and Mandy Aftel, but I may have to settle for splashing around the aisles in Barneys.

  7. I'll gladly take some of the credit for your great choice in makeup ;)
    Funny you should mention make up forever as I was thinking that I must try something from the brand and had written down that mascara, I feel like I should get something else at the same time but not sure where to start really!
    I am pretty sure my husband has ordered me that Louise Young brush for Christmas we have been going on about so I'll let you know if its a replacement for the scratchy MAC one x

  8. Hi Jane,
    I got the lipsticks in Cameo and Rosewood. Cameo is nice but too pale and peachy for my natural lip colour. Rosewood has been out of stock for ages so I was excited about it, was the colour used in the promo ad. It arrived this week and is a lot more brown than I had thought, and darker. I'll post on it soon. The two blushers I have are peony and russet, russet is a little muddy on me but peony is a beautiful clear colour. If I was tanned (I doubt I ever will be again)I wouldn't mind more brown based colours but I don't think they do a lot for my natural colouring. X

  9. @charlotte: Thank you. I got a Serge Lutens perfume sample recently with a SpaceNK order. I was so excited until I tried it and then it just didn’t last or smell nice on me. Such a shame!

    @Replica: What about the HD blusher or the taupe crème eyeshadow? Both are on my MUFE list. I’m looking forward to your thoughts on that brush. I almost ordered it late one night, really wish I’d gone ahead. Ditto with the Illamasqua. Baby sabotages much of my late night shopping!

    @Jennifer: Thanks for the info. I rather thought that Russet might be a little muddy on me so it’s handy to know how you found it. Rosewood was on my list too, it sounds like one I need to see in person. I like a brown toned lipstick but it’s a fine line. Too much one way or the other and it all gone wrong!

    Jane x

  10. Thanks for the mention! I love that eyeliner too :) I'm yet to try any RBR, but I'm hoping to pick something up post-Christmas. We shall see... x

  11. You're very welcome. You made me want that liner! I was very excited reading your Shiro post too. I think we have quite similar colour taste. I'm sure you'll love any RBR you get, so many lovely things!
    Jane x


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