Friday, 2 July 2010

A bit of Friday Fun!

I've been trying to come up with an idea for a regular Friday feature but as yet I've had no inspiration. As much I loved sharing my Friday Fancies I can't bore you all every week with my latest cosmetic whims and fancies! So, for a bit of fun I'm going to share with you some of my make up and skin care crimes.

• Sometimes when I've had a few too many sherries, I take my make up off with baby wipes.

• Often when I should have taken off the varnish on my toes and started again from scratch, I've cheated and just slapped another layer on. Naughty, naughty.

• I'm incapable of leaving spots alone.

• I've plucked hairs out above my brows. If the magazines are to be believed this is one of the original make up sins! In my defense I've been very lax in going back to get them threaded and I was trying to maintain the shape.

• I'm still not using an eye cream.

• I am terrible at remembering to reapply sunscreen (I can feel you recoiling in horror at this).

• I have needed a pedicure for several month now. It's got to the point where I think it's a professional job only!

• I really need a good haircut, instead I am likely to go back to the walk in, no appointment necessary joint.

I think that's all I can bear to share, I can already feel the virtual horror from here! As this has turned into a little Friday confessional do feel free to unburden yourself, I promise I won't judge.
Jane x


  1. Such a great idea for a post! I can top your sins for sure though!

    I haven't had a bikini wax in MONTHS! I'm booked in for thursday morning and I'm expecting the therapist to recoil in horror! It's so tricky to find the time for this kind of grooming when you've got little ones!! Imagine if I took Jesse with me... he'd have his feet in the wax pot and be trying to eat the cotton strips in no time!!


  2. I could've written every single one of them! I'm a nightmare for just painting over the chips on my toes!

  3. Well I must be just as bad then as they are mostly the same for me, with things like the eyebrows they go on about it being terrible but if you have little hairs there which aren't comforming you can't leave them there, and the nail varnish thing is just like when you glossing radiators in your house,you don't strip it off,just shove some more on, see it as a test to see how many layers you can get away with until it all cracks off :)

  4. @loveaudrey - that made me laugh. I can't even begin to admit how slack I've been in that department! It's been too long. I think maybe I have a duty to go out and get pedi, groom and quaff and report back on the transformation!

    @Jen, he he! I'm so glad I'm not alone.

    @Replica, I love the radiator analogy! I can't leave the hairs above either. I've really tried but like you say, if they're poking out what can you do?

  5. Haha, I'm guilty of most of these too! Especially the baby wipes. I've never understood the 'don't pluck above the brows' rule, if I didn't, I'd have some very bizarrely shaped eyebrows. I haven't had a pro hair cut in almost 3 years....


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