Tuesday, 27 July 2010

YSL Rock and Baroque at Selfridges

I spotted the new YSL nail duo's during my visit to Selfridges on Saturday. I was intrigued but as a manicure inept I wasn't sure how I'd get on trying to apply them! British Beauty Blogger posted yesterday with some guidance on how to apply them for a perfect finish.

Selfridges will be celebrating the launch of the Rock and Baroque collection with a Pop up Nail, Eye and Lip Bar and I think this would be the ideal time to give the nail duos a try. The collection, which is available now, also includes six Rouge Volupté Perle Lipsticks. You can see pictures of the entire collection here on www.temptalia.com. The pop up bar will be running from 5-18th August and costs £15, which is redeemable against any purchases. To book a visit you can call the YSL counter on 020 7318 1358.

What do you think to the nail duos, do you think you'll be giving them a try?


  1. omg omg omg omg the purple and the teal ones, they are so vibrant !!!! *want*

  2. Oh you should definately get your nails done! It's a great offer.

    Really do like the nail duos the colours as so well matched.
    However I do think you could 100% find the same colours with a cheaper brand - which is what I have kind of shown in tomorrows post (I tried to recreate the purple & coral duo)
    But the idea is great!

    Fee x

  3. Sorry to be a bit dim here but is the concept that you basically do a french manicure but using colour on nail and tip? If so I like, especially if the tip colours are really opaque as ideally you want only one pass with the tip colour for a perfect finish. I found that loading the brush with just the right amount of polish and then rolling the nail under it, rather than dragging brush across the nail, works for me to do a nice neat tip. Agreeing with Lily on the purple and teal - they do look fab.

  4. @Lily: The purple and teal are gorgeous aren't they!

    @Makeup_Savvy: I can't wait to see your recreation. You are so good at nail work. I love looking at your creations.

    @Debbie: Yes it is a french manicure with different colour on the tip. The promo shots definitely look like the tip is very opaque. Thank you for the tip on application, I really want to give this a try.

    Jane x

  5. I think they've chosen some really nice colour combinations.

  6. Colours are mouthwatering (if nail varnish can be described as such). I'll be saving some birthday money for this! I just booked myself the 1st manicur availabl on 5th August to try them out! You coming?

  7. @Bella Queen: I'm planning a trip to London in the week to do a few things. I haven't dropped this bombshell on the other half yet so stay tuned ;)

  8. Following your blog is, I can feel, going to cost me a FORTUNE!!!!!

    Love these colours, just LOVE them. Have been trying to get the Chanel Nouvelle Vague for ages, even in Mexico City Airport, but it cannot be got for love nor money. Mind you, I have only offered the Make Up Ladies the money, not the love.....

  9. Sorry about that Ali, this blog certainly costs me a small fortune. If only I had a less expensive addiction!

    I think you should offer the Chanel counter ladies some love, I would pay money to see that! The Chanel nail colours this year have been divine. I'm looking forward to Paradoxal.

    Jane x


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